
If you’re setting up a restaurant, you'll need a design that will both attract customers and keep dining patrons comfortable. Glass windows provide both of these benefits. If you aren’t sure whether to add them to your space, here are a few reasons to incorporate windows into your layout plan.

Why Add Glass Windows to Your Restaurant Design

1. Show Off the Interior

Once your restaurant is up and running, you’ll want to show off its beautiful interior to the public to pique the interests of potential customers on the street. Adding glass windows to your storefront will give passersby sneak peeks of your decor and the environment you meticulously created. People are more likely to visit your establishment if they see something that catches their attention, like unusual decorations or a fun theme.

2. Provide Natural Lighting

Even with the variety of lightbulbs and fixtures you may have included, nothing matches the appeal of natural light. Sunlight improves everything from our mood to our health, and glass will allow it to stream in and bathe your space in a warm, soft glow. Installing windows is also an easy way to save money on electricity while keeping your restaurant bright and inviting during the day.

3. Showcase Your Menuglass

Much like your interior decor, your dishes deserve to be on display. When a patron sitting by a window orders a meal, they become an advertisement for your business. Not only will passersby see examples of your cuisine, but seeing people enjoying their dishes may also entice them to come in for a meal.

4. Develop Your Restaurant’s Brand

Visual branding is as important to the success of a restaurant as its menu. The front of your building will be the first element potential customers will see, so it should be well-designed with adequate branding to give customers an idea of what your restaurant is all about. You can use your new glass fixtures to advertise your restaurant’s name or logo by adding stickers. Designs can also be carved on the surface of the panes, giving you the flexibility to incorporate your brand in creative ways at the storefront.


If you’re developing a new commercial property, you can count on BGS Glass Service in Waukesha, WI, to handle all of your glass installations and repairs. Since 1970, this locally owned and operated company has been the leading glass supplier to clients throughout the Greater Milwaukee area. They offer everything from commercial windows, pane replacements, and custom glasswork for bathroom mirrors, patio doors, and other fixtures. Learn more about their offerings for businesses online or call (262) 513-2806 to schedule an appointment. 
