
Halitosis is another name for bad breath. While many people think this condition only applies to adults, kids can also experience this bothersome and sometimes embarrassing issue. Childhood halitosis occurs for all sorts of reasons, some of which require the intervention of a dentist

Why Kids Experience Halitosis

If your child has congestion due to a cold or allergies, mouth-breathing can cause oral dryness, which leads to halitosis. Tonsillitis can also cause bad breath; in this case, it will be accompanied by throat swelling, irritation, and redness, which necessitates a visit to your primary care physician. Poor oral hygiene, cavities, diet, and oral infections are also common causes of halitosis. 

When It’s Time to See a Dentist

dentistIf the problem is dental, such as a cavity, your child will also experience other symptoms. For example, they might feel aches or pains in the area where the cavity resides. He or she might also have increased sensitivity, especially when eating hot or cold foods. Dental pain that comes on suddenly should be assessed by a dentist as soon as possible. Cavities are a serious issue, even in baby teeth. Additionally, treat an abscess or infection promptly to prevent more severe effects. 

What You Can Do to Prevent Bad Breath

If insufficient dental hygiene causes your child’s bad breath, ensure they brush and floss daily. Also, schedule visits with your dentist twice a year. Teeth cleanings are integral in this case, as they remove plaque and bacteria your child might have missed while brushing. Drinking more water is also good for reducing halitosis, as it hydrates the mouth and relieves dryness. 


The dentists at Anchorage Dental Center understand that bad breath is a sensitive issue, especially with children. That’s why they emphasize good oral hygiene practices, including at-home dental care and regular cleanings. They also provide dental sealants, which lower your child’s risk of developing a cavity by sealing off the cracks and crevices of enamel. Schedule an appointment at their Alaska office by calling (907) 278-2521 today. You can also learn more about their services by visiting them online
