
If your old refrigerator needs regular repairs or is no longer as energy-efficient as you would like, it's time to start thinking about an upgrade. However, with so many options available, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the decision. Use this guide to get a basic understanding of what you need before heading to the home appliance store. 

How to Choose a Refrigerator 

Style & Size

There are numerous refrigerator designs available today. The standard top-freezer model often provides more usable storage space than side-by-side designs. However, this extra width also comes with wider doors that take up more space in the kitchen. The narrower doors on side-by-side designs require less clearance and would work better in tighter spots.

refrigeratorA top-freezer refrigerator also makes it harder to fully see the non-frozen contents, which are accessed more often than frozen ones. A bottom-freezer model could rectify this by putting these items at eye level. However, if you purchase one with an ice dispenser, this feature will often be kept in the top section, which could take up usable space. 

Bottom freezers are generally just as wide as their standard counterparts. However, if you are low on space, it's usually easier to find compact versions of this model. They are also available in French-door designs, which provide similar clearance benefits to side-by-side models. 

Features & Energy Efficiency

Today's refrigerators are designed to be much more energy-efficient than in years past. However, some features and styles are known to use more power. For instance, in-door ice and water dispensers are useful, but they tend to increase a refrigerator's electricity usage and are also known to cause more frequent repairs. 

Meanwhile, variable compressors minimize energy usage. They allow the freezer and refrigerator to cool independently and help maintain a constant temperature. So, instead of turning on and off—which is how the most energy is wasted—the compressor will run non-stop and instead lower or increase the cooling speed as needed. 


Whatever you need from a new refrigerator, you can find the right model at Broxson's Furniture & Appliance in Sunray, TX. Since opening in 1951, this family-owned store has provided a variety of traditional furniture items as well as mattresses, electronics, and appliances. They carry the latest refrigeration products and designs from leading manufacturers, including KitchenAid® and Whirlpool®. Visit their website today to view their available products, and call them at (806) 948-4128 with any questions.
