
With chillier fall weather on the horizon, now’s the time to focus on HVAC maintenance. This will ensure your system is in proper working order to manage the colder days ahead. For insight into how an HVAC technician will keep your AC well-maintained throughout the fall and beyond, here’s a helpful guide.

Homeowner’s Guide to Maintaining Your AC Unit in the Fall

1. Check Your Filter

With continued use, your filter will accumulate dirt, dust, and debris from the environment, which can clog your system and force it to work overtime. Keeping your air filter clean is essential for running your unit efficiently. Without proper cleaning, your filter will use up much more energy to keep your home at a comfortable temperature, leading to costlier bills each month.

Additionally, the accumulation of allergens in the filter can trigger problems for allergy sufferers in the home and can potentially lead to mold in your ducts. As you head into the fall, have your filter examined by an HVAC technician to determine if you need a cleaning, AC repair, or a full replacement. Typically, the filters should be changed about once per month and when the seasons change.

2. Keep the Surrounding Area Clear

HVAC-technician-habersham-gaFall means a lot of extra debris in your yard. Falling leaves and branches can accumulate around your AC unit, restricting necessary airflow. Left unaddressed, this build-up will push your system into overdrive and wear down the internal mechanisms more quickly. Focus on yard maintenance this fall by clearing, raking, or washing away any fallen debris from around your unit.

3. Schedule Fall HVAC Maintenance

The best way to keep your system running properly is by investing in preventative HVAC maintenance. During the fall, a professional HVAC technician will perform various tasks to keep your unit in tip-top shape. This will include everything from cleaning the air ducts and checking refrigerant levels to measuring your evaporator coil’s airflow and sealing duct leaks.

If you need system maintenance from a qualified HVAC technician, look no further than Howington's Heating & Cooling, LLC. For over 20 years, this reputable heating and cooling contractor has helped homeowners throughout Habersham and White counties get their systems up and running like new with prompt and efficient service. To learn more about their affordable solutions or schedule an appointment, give them a call today at (706) 776-7000.
