
Although motorcycles share the road with cars, don’t expect the cases to be handled the same way if you get into a collision. Whether you were behind the wheel or on the back of a bike, it’s best to hire an accident attorney to help you navigate legal options and receive compensation for injuries. With a basic understanding of how each case is handled, as outlined below, you can concentrate on asking your car or motorcycle accident lawyer specific questions about your situation.

How Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Proceed

Many people have preconceived notions about motorcycle riders. Because the bikes don’t take up much of the road, many individuals falsely believe most riders weave in and out of traffic, cut off motorists, and practice other reckless driving habits. As a first step, a motorcycle accident lawyer will unearth these prejudices during the jury selection. During the trial, they will use driver history to prove the client is responsible. They will also educate the jury on everything they need to know about motorcycles to reach a verdict. As motorcycle riders are exposed to the elements, injuries can be more severe than with auto accidents. The accident attorney will make sure damages reflect the severity of the injuries.

How Auto Accident Cases Are Handled

Andalusia-Alabama-accident-attorneyAs it’s more common to drive a car than a motorcycle, a car accident lawyer does not have to spend as much time weeding out biases in the jury selection. They also don’t need to familiarize jurors on the basic handling and mechanics of the vehicle. During the trial, evidence is presented in the form of witness and expert testimony, police reports, medical diagnoses and treatment, and pictures of vehicle damage. This information is used to determine the consequences for a defendant and the damages the plaintiff will receive.


If you’ve sustained injuries in a car or motorcycle accident or need help building a defense, contact the licensed accident attorneys at Jones & Jones, P.C. Attorneys at Law for help. Since the law firm was founded in 1953, the Andalusia, AL-based accident attorneys have been helping clients throughout the southern region of Alabama receive favorable outcomes for their cases and damages to start recovering after wrecks. To schedule a consultation, call (334) 222­-3161. Visit the practice online to learn more about legal representation the counselors provide and become a Facebook fan for helpful advice.

No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.
