
Skin care can be challenging even in optimal conditions, so if you have hard water, it could be especially difficult. Hard water is rich in minerals that don’t get filtered out before they leave your faucets. Although it sounds healthy, it can leave your skin dry and the pores clogged. Fortunately, it’s not hopeless. You can take excellent care of your skin with hard water as long as you have some tips. 

Skin Care for People With Hard Water

1. Moisturize Liberally

skin careImmediately after showering or bathing, rub lotion or coconut oil all over your skin. This will prevent it from becoming dry, cracked, and irritated. Do the same as part of the skin care routine for your face after removing your makeup at the end of the day. A chelating shampoo is similarly effective at moisturizing the skin on your scalp because it binds with the minerals in the water and washes them away. 

2. Use Soap Strategically

All the minerals in hard water prevent soap from dissolving the way it should, causing it to accumulate and clog your skin as well as irritating it. Save the soap primarily for areas of your body that tend to get dirty or sweaty more than others, like your armpits and back. Spread the soap conservatively over the rest of your body. When you remove your makeup, apply foaming gels or creams that are designed to reduce the effects of minerals with glycerin.

3. Buy Different Water

If the previous methods don’t work for you, avoid using hard water on your face altogether. Purchase bottled water, three-in-one micellar water, or no-rinse cleansing water—anything free of minerals. Use the alternative water to wash your face in the mornings and evenings before doing your normal skin care routine. Save the hard water for showers, baths, and cooking. 

For additional advice or support for skin care, turn to Arya Medical Spa in Shiloh, IL. Not only do they offer the latest and most advanced technology for services such as facials, Botox® injections, CoolSculpting®, and more, but they do it at affordable rates and with a caring, attentive staff that has 15 years of experience. To find out more about how they can help you look and feel your best, call them at (217) 317-0990, or check out their website.
