
Prolonged exposure to loud noises and aging are the two main reasons for hearing loss, though it can also occur following injuries, infections and illnesses, drug use, and strokes. Hearing problems may be conductive and focus on function loss in the outer and middle portions of the ear, or sensorineural, which refers to inner ear damage. Some individuals experienced mixed hearing loss, or conductive and sensorineural issues combined. Here, learn the signs of this common issue to schedule a hearing test for yourself or a loved one as soon as possible.

4 Symptoms Of Hearing Loss To Never Ignore

1. Trouble Understanding Others

Many people with hearing problems have trouble understanding others and may respond in a way that doesn’t suit the conversation. They also think other people are mumbling when they aren’t, especially if they are in noisy locations. Problems hearing higher-pitched sounds such as the voices of children often becomes difficult, as can distinguishing between “S” and “F” sounds. When hearing loss becomes severe, the individual can’t hear most words and phrases.

2. Turning Up the Television & Other Devices

hearing testConstantly increasing the volume on the television, phone, MP3 player, radio, or other device indicates hearing loss. Those with diminishing hearing often get complaints that the music is blasting or the TV is too loud when they think the volume is fine. Frustration often results because the person doesn’t want to upset friends or family but cannot hear the device otherwise.

3. Social Event Exhaustion

Asking people to repeat themselves and missing pieces of the conversation cause fatigue and social event withdrawal in people who have yet to schedule hearing tests. Straining to hear is exhausting, as is staring at partygoers in attempts to read their lips. Many people with this ear issue isolate themselves because they don’t want to feel embarrassed about hearing loss-related misunderstandings.

4. Tinnitus

This disorder can result in hearing phantom buzzing, hissing, humming, roaring, and clicking sounds. And while the issue is often due to inner, middle, and outer ear problems, it can also occur because of damage to the auditory, or hearing, nerves in the brain that interpret sounds. Rarely, tinnitus is due to blood vessel issues, muscle contractions, or middle ear bone problems. 


Don’t let hearing loss take over your life or that of a loved one. Schedule a hearing test with Richard W. Foust, A.U.D., the audiologist serving patients since 1980. He and his team provide detailed, highly-customized hearing tests as well as hearing aid fittings to help residents throughout DuBois, PA, and the surrounding areas hear comfortably. Call (814) 371-1085 to make a testing appointment or visit the website for more information about custom hearing aids.
