
Roughly 80% of adults will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. As a prevalent health issue that disrupts a person’s overall quality of life, finding holistic, noninvasive solutions, such as chiropractic care, is often recommended. When meeting with your chiropractor, they’ll assess your condition before performing any adjustments and create a treatment plan that will address your specific issues. Be aware of these common reasons for chronic back pain so you can better understand the potential root of your discomfort. 

4 Reasons Why You’re Experiencing Back Pain

1. Muscle Strain

When participating in physical activity, lifting heavy objects, or sleeping in a strange position, you can put unnecessary strain on your back muscles as well as the ligaments in your spine. Depending on your physical condition, this strain can cause muscle spasms and general discomfort. 

2. Arthritis

Back Pain Tarrant County, TXAnywhere from 40 to 85% of individuals in the United States suffer from lumbar arthritis or inflammation of the joints in the lumbar spine. This condition leads to muscle spasms, stiffness, decreased range of motion, and general back pain when sedentary or engaging in physical activity. 

3. Herniated Disc

The vertebrae that make up your spine are cushioned and supported by round discs. These discs absorb shock and help your back move and function with ease. When a disc is herniated or pushed out of place due to degeneration, an awkward movement, or weakened ligaments, back pain is a common symptom. 

4. Injury

Many individuals start to experience back pain due to a traumatic event, such as a car accident or sports injury, that puts additional strain on the muscles and ligaments in your back, neck, and spine. After a fall, automobile accident, or athletic injury, rehabilitation, chiropractic care, and stretching are often necessary to soothe back pain. 


If you’re experiencing on-going back pain and you need the assistance of a chiropractor to understand the cause better and find longlasting relief, you can count on All Kinds of Spines. Led by board-certified chiropractor Dr. Amanda Jenkins, this holistic clinic offers personalized care to residents across Tarrant County, TX. To schedule your first appointment, call today at (817) 476-7850. For more information on their approach to chiropractic care and additional services, including massage, facials, and auto accident injury treatment, visit their website today. 
