
Concrete is a popular material for construction projects due to its affordability and durability. However, that durability will be compromised if the concrete isn’t cured correctly, and you’ll likely face costly issues down the line. Follow these do’s and don’ts to ensure the structural integrity of your next concrete construction project.


Spray new concrete with water.

If your concrete dries too fast, the fixture will be drastically weakened. To prevent this, “moist cure” your new concrete by spraying it with water. You should ideally do this at least five times a day for the first seven days, unless the concrete was poured in cold weather.

Cover up the concrete after pouring.

Another option to maintain the integrity of the concrete is to cover it with a polyethylene sheet after watering it the first time. This helps to slow the evaporation of the moisture, but you’ll need to take the cover off and apply more water daily for the first week.

Pond cure all concrete slabs.

To cure the new construction more quickly, build temporary berms around it big enough to retain one foot of water. Then, fill in the space above the concrete with the water to get the perfect evaporation rate. This process takes three days rather than seven, but you’ll need to make sure the water level remains consistent.

Use a curing compound.

It’s also possible to ensure the concrete retains its moisture by using a curing compound that contains soluble emulsions. These form a protective barrier that locks moisture in more efficiently and helps keep the construction looking new for a long time.


Skip the control joints.

ConcreteNo matter how well it’s poured, all concrete inevitably cracks. However, you can better control where and how those cracks form by using control joints. Install these within the first 24 hours of pouring to guide the cracks and maintain a desirable aesthetic.

Let it get too cold.

At 50 degrees Fahrenheit, the chemical reaction needed for ideal structural integrity slows. At 45 degrees Fahrenheit, that chemical reaction will stop entirely. To keep your concrete above 50 degrees, plan on pouring when the weather is warm. If there’s an unexpected cold spell, cover the project with an insulated blanket immediately to trap in the heat.

Paint or stain too soon.

Applying paints and stains before 28 days have passed creates several problems. Not only can it interfere with the hardening process, but any stain that’s applied before four weeks have passed won’t adhere as well. Waiting to paint will therefore keep that paint lasting longer.

Put too much weight on it.

Too much weight too early on distorts the concrete and affects its durability. Keep all foot traffic off the concrete for the first day, and keep lighter vehicles off for at least 10 days. Wait until it’s completely set, or about 28 days, before driving heavier vehicles like trucks and RVs on the concrete.


If you have an upcoming construction project that’s using concrete, contact the experts at Politte Ready Mix LLC in Potosi, MO. Family-owned for the past 40 years, they have everything you need to make your project a success, from snap ties to wire mesh and anchor bolts. They’ll even deliver top-of-the-line concrete for your job. Schedule a free estimate by calling (573) 438-5417 or learn more online.