
Ants are tiny pests that can creep through the smallest openings in a home, and depending on the species, they may build their nests inside the foundation. Effective ant control often means knowing how to spot the signs of an invasion. Here are a few signs your property has an ant problem.

How to Detect an Ant Infestation

1. Sawdust Debris

When carpenter ants invade a home, they use their mandibles to dig tunnels in the wooden foundation. Although they don’t eat the wood, they’ll chew it and produce small, sawdust-like debris. Look for these piles near tiny, wooden cracks in window frames, walls, doors, and attic spaces.

2. Unusual Sounds

ant controlCarpenter ants are likely to create their nests in the walls and foundation of a house. Turn off humming electronics and appliances, walk through the home, and listen for scuttling. If you notice strange sounds, call an ant removal specialist immediately to target the nest before it moves or spreads.

3. Visual Sightings

You’ll likely need ant control if you spot a nest in the yard, a line of bugs leading to food crumbs, or a pet’s food bowl that’s overrun with these critters. Don’t assume a stray ant or two isn’t a problem. These pests leave a pheromone behind that allows their brethren to follow them. If one insect found a water or food source, it’s likely more ants will follow it.


If you’ve noticed any of these red flags, contact the skilled team of exterminators at Aloha Termite & Pest Control in Wahiawa, HI. For 20 years, this locally owned company has provided Oahu homeowners with effective termite, rodent, cockroach, and ant control treatments. These professionals are fully trained and have multiple decades of industry experience. View their services online, or call (808) 622-2268 to schedule a free ant control inspection.
