
Even if you’re vigilant about brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day, you may still be putting your oral health at risk depending on what you eat. Many foods people consume regularly have the potential to cause cavities, strip off tooth enamel, and contribute to gum disease. As such, dentists recommend limiting your intake of the following foods to avoid tooth decay and gum problems.

Foods to Steer Clear of for Healthy Teeth

1. Ice

Chewing ice is one of the worst habits you can have when trying to protect your teeth. Biting down on substances that hard places extra wear and tear on your enamel, making you more prone to cavities. It will also create stress fractures within the tooth, cause cracked or chipped teeth, and damage any fillings or crowns your dentist has put in.

2. Processed Carbs

There is a significant amount of sugar in processed carbs like white bread, potato chips, and crackers. They’re also full of starches that quickly break down the sugar, which bacteria feeds on, raising your chance of developing tooth decay. Sugary particles lingering in your mouth from these foods also get stuck between your teeth and result in additional plaque buildup.

3. Citrus Fruitsdentist

Although citrus fruits, such as grapefruit, oranges, and lemons, are a fantastic source of vitamins and minerals, eating them too often causes major problems for your teeth. They have a high acidic content, and frequent exposure to acid will dissolve the protective enamel coating on your teeth over time, increasing their vulnerability to decay.

4. Sticky Foods

Consuming anything sticky isn’t the best choice for oral health. Foods like dried fruits, gummy candies, and caramel, typically contain a large amount of sugar and will often stick between the teeth and in the grooves of molars. This provides the bacteria in your mouth with a steady supply of sugar, creating an environment that leads to cavities.


Aside from watching your diet and practicing positive dental hygiene at home, you should keep up with your biannual dentist visits. The staff at Kimberling City Dental Center will advise you on ways to minimize your risk of cavities and gum disease and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. With more than 30 years of experience serving patients in the Tri-Lakes area of Missouri, they offer high-quality exams, teeth cleanings, and a range of other procedures for all your oral health needs. Call (417) 739-4965 to make a dentist appointment, or visit their website to view a list of services they provide.
