
The inability to move your shoulder can make even the simplest of tasks difficult. Although a sore muscle could be to blame, stiffness that persists could be a sign of frozen shoulder. A doctor can conduct an exam for an official diagnosis. To prepare for the appointment, the guide below explains what this condition is, why it occurs, and how to restore your full range of motion with the help of a chiropractor

Thickening & Tightening of Connective Tissue Causes Frozen Shoulder

When connective tissue encasing the ligaments, bones, and tendons of the shoulder joint becomes thick and tight, range of motion is compromised. The limited movement feels as if the shoulder is frozen in place. The stiffness often happens when the joint is left in the same position for long periods. This is often the case when an arm is in a sling after a break or when healing from a surgical procedure. Underlying illnesses, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, put some people at higher risk of developing frozen shoulder due to the muscular problems that the conditions cause. 

Symptoms Manifest in Stages

The decrease in shoulder joint mobility becomes more severe with time. Painful sensations when moving the shoulder are the first sign of a problem, with the discomfort typically lasting a few months. As the pain starts to subside, stiffness sets in. In the final or “thawing” stage, joint mobility begins to return. 

Various Treatment Options Are Available

chiropractorWhen you meet with your doctor, they will discuss various solutions to remedy the problem. Exercise is a non-invasive treatment designed to loosen the tight tissue. Specially-trained chiropractors can also perform meridian therapy, in which thin needles are placed along local acupoints in the shoulder, arms, and hands or in distal acupoints below the knee. This is meant to relieve inflammation so the tissue can retract.


To determine whether frozen shoulder or another condition is to blame for your stiffness and discomfort, contact the professionals at Alpha And Omega Chiropractor. Based in Ruidoso, NM, the licensed, board-certified chiropractor is known for providing meridian therapy, spinal adjustments, and additional effective treatments to minimize or alleviate patients’ neck, back, and sciatica pain. To schedule an appointment, call (575) 258-5999 or leave a message for the chiropractor online. Share your experience with others on Facebook
