
Most home air conditioning systems have both an indoor and outdoor unit. The outdoor unit, also known as the condenser, sucks in outdoor air and cools it before distributing it throughout the home. By following a few maintenance guidelines, you can avoid unexpected air conditioning repair expenses for this component and keep your system running efficiently. Here is what you need to do.


Keep the unit clear of debris.

Weeds, leaves, and other debris that accumulates around your outdoor unit can block its air intake capabilities, forcing your system to work harder than normal. Routinely inspect and clear out this area to prevent these blockages.

Clean your gutters.

air conditioning repairGutter cleaning has a bigger influence on your air conditioner than you might expect. Allowing leaves to clog the gutters can cause rainwater to overflow and fall on your HVAC. This could result in wet, soggy leaves getting trapped inside your unit, where they could contribute to performance problems and rusting. 


Allow pets near the unit.

Pets lead to many air conditioning repair issues. If a pet urinates on the condenser unit, it could eat away at the metal, leading to corrosion of the refrigerant coils. Dogs may also try to chew on wiring or tubing. Consider fencing off your unit or planting bushes to create a natural barrier.

Forget about professional maintenance.

A professional technician has the skills and training to identify minor maintenance issues before they get out of hand. Scheduling an annual tuneup will allow them to make adjustments to improve your unit’s performance and address repair needs before they lead to a breakdown.


From emergency air conditioning repair to routine heating and cooling maintenance, you can count on the team at Lenox Heating & Cooling. Serving Ross County, OH, since 1998, this family-owned and operated HVAC contractor is available 24/7 to provide same-day repairs for your equipment. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (740) 702-2665.
