
Having clean gutters is essential to prevent water from damaging the roof and siding of your home. Getting gutter cleaning twice a year in the spring and fall makes sure no blockages are damaging the system or compromising its functionality. To help you maintain your house, here are a few signs you need to have these units cleaned.

6 Signs You Need Professional Gutter Cleaning

1. Visible Debris

If you see the gutters filled with leaves, twigs, and other debris from surrounding trees, they need cleaning. These units should be kept clear so rainwater can run off to your downspout as intended.

2. Sagging

gutter-cleaningAccumulated plant material is heavy when wet, which can cause the unit to sag or detach from the eaves. If your gutters sag or seem like they’re pulling away from the roof in certain areas, have them inspected by a professional. Before they can be repaired, you’ll need to have them cleaned so the issue doesn’t recur.

3. Animal Nests

Squirrels, birds, and mice may be harmless around the yard, but they can damage the gutters. Their nests may form blockages, which will allow water to back up and pool on the roof when rains come. This may result in mold growth or water damage on the shingles. Since accumulated organic matter provides materials for animals to create nests, keeping your gutters clear will help you avoid this issue.

4. Plants

The organic material that accumulates in the gutters can provide nutrients for weed growth. If you see plants or moss growing on your roof, there’s a chance this is due to a build-up in the gutters. You can use a ladder to check whether these areas are filled.

5. Water Run-Off

The downspout runs down the side of your home to transport rainwater to a drainage area. If you see water running from the gutters during a storm, it’s a sign that either your system or the downspouts are blocked. Power-washing the unit will push any sitting debris down the downspout, eliminating all issues.

6. No Regular Schedule

If the last time the gutters were cleaned was in the distant past, it’s time. This is true even if they seem fine. Even if you have gutter guards, particles eventually work through the gaps to reach your system. You’ll need cleaning at the beginning of each season— or at least twice a year— to prepare for falling leaves.


For professional gutter cleaning in Marietta, GA, call A-Team Window Cleaning. They offer a full range of professional power-washing for the exterior of your home. They work on windows, decks, sidewalks, and driveways. Their powerful equipment will safely eliminate years of built-up grime to make your home look spotless. Call (404) 671-2703 to schedule service.
