
While an old home can be extremely elegant, its electrical wiring can pose problems if they’re ignored. The smartest option is to have an electrician install new wiring, which will improve everything from your safety to quality of life. Here are a few benefits of calling on an electrician to perform this task.

Why You Should Replace Wiring in Older Homes

1. Improve Your Safety

Part of the problem with old wiring is that it starts to erode. Over time, it becomes less effective at containing the voltage that it’s passing, putting you in harm’s way. For example, you may get shocked with stray electricity if you insert a plug into an outlet. New wiring that’s installed by an electrician will be contained and safe, letting you continue your daily life without worrying about getting shocked or short-circuiting an appliance.

2. Create More Power

electricianOld wiring isn’t effective at carrying a current, creating inefficiencies and a low power output. To get a higher voltage in the home, have an electrician install new wiring and an upgraded system. This will make it easier to use multiple appliances simultaneously without short-circuiting anything.

3. Decrease the Risk of Fire

An old wire becomes a fire hazard if its rubber encasing breaks. A powerful surge of electricity can cause a spark, and the opening in the rubber can offer it a path out of the circuit. If the spark catches, a fire can burn down the home. Fortunately, a simple wiring upgrade can mitigate this risk.


If you live in an old home or are about to buy one, contact the reliable electricians at 'Oihana Electrical Services in Makawao, HI. These professionals will inspect the house for problematic, old wiring and install a new, safe system. View their complete list of residential services online, or call (808) 212-9991 to request a free consultation.
