
If your tap water tastes unpleasant, you may cut back on how much you drink. Unfortunately, this can cause negative side effects, since clean water is vital to a healthy body. If this is an issue, installing a water filtration system in your home will improve your well-being. To help you understand why this is important, here are a few ways drinking more water will benefit you.

How Does Drinking Water Improve Health & Wellness?

1. Lowers Your Risk of Cavities

Saliva is essential for healthy teeth and gums. It makes plaque and bacteria less likely to cling to the teeth and cause damage. Drinking water reduces your risk of cavities by boosting saliva production and washing away accumulated particles. Swishing it in your mouth after you eat will also wash away the acids that erode enamel.

2. Helps Maintain a Healthy Weight

water filtration systemIf you’re currently trying to lose weight and keep it off, drinking more water is highly recommended. Having a glass of the liquid with your meal works as a natural appetite suppressant, so you’ll feel full faster. Water also helps speed up the burning of calories, which is important for expediting the weight loss process. 

3. Prevents Constipation

Water is even beneficial for proper digestion. Saliva is integral to breaking down the foods you eat, so boosting your saliva production will help facilitate digestion. Water is also essential for processing soluble fibers, including oats, nuts, beans, peas, and some fruits and vegetables. This will make digestion and bowel movements easier, keeping you comfortable. 

4. Treats Some Headaches

Among the many negative effects of dehydration are headaches. If you frequently experience migraines, there’s a possibility they’re happening because you aren’t drinking enough. This is especially important for people who commonly partake in rigorous activities during workouts or at work, since they’ll lose body water through sweat.


If you’re having trouble keeping up with your body’s demands for water, installing a water filtration system will improve the taste of this essential liquid to encourage you to drink more. Fogle Pump & Supply in Airway Heights , Deer Park, Colville and Republic WA, offers water treatment services, including the installation of water filtration systems. They correct issues like hard water and odors, which can keep people from drinking their fill. Learn more about their options for water filtration systems online or call 800-533-6518 to schedule a free in home water alylisis, or bring your water in to any of our 4 branches for a free water test
