
Roses are a centerpiece of many garden designs, adding color, texture, and scent. Even when you are diligent with garden maintenance, though, sometimes your roses will stop blooming. If you’ve noticed fewer buds on your bushes than usual, it could be due to one or more of these problems.

What Causes Roses to Stop Blooming

1. Water Problems

Roses require a fair amount of water to develop new blooms, and if they do not receive enough, they won’t flower. At the same time, overwatering roses can contribute to fungi development. Most roses need at least two to three inches of water per week, which you can accomplish with one good soaking. If the weather is especially hot or dry, you may need to water more often, but monitor how moist the soil is and avoid overwatering. 

2. Inadequate Nutrients

garden maintenanceFertilization is a key part of any garden maintenance plan, but feeding your roses the wrong kind of fertilizer will inhibit blooming. Choose a fertilizer designed for roses, without excessive levels of nitrogen that will give you lots of foliage but fewer flowers. Feed them at the beginning of the season, when leaves form on the plants, and then again after every bloom period.

3. Improper Location

Roses are sun-loving plants, and typically prefer at least five hours of sunlight per day. If they don't receive adequate amounts, they aren’t going to thrive or produce many flowers. If your roses are planted where they get too much shade, or if they are exposed to too much wind, then they should be carefully transplanted to a more appropriate spot. 

4. Pests

Despite your best attempts, pests can still invade your garden and wreak havoc on roses. Two of the most common culprits are aphids and Japanese beetles, which will eat rosebuds. Other pests, including scale insects and rose chafers, can kill the leaves and stems, harming the entire plant. Check for pests often, and deal with them appropriately to prevent damage. 

5. Improper Pruning

Pruning at the wrong time or removing the wrong part of the plant can mean killing the stems that actually support new growth and buds. Perform this garden maintenance task at the right time for your specific rose variety or leave it to a professional if you aren’t sure when and how to do it correctly. 


If you’re having trouble with your roses, want to design a gorgeous garden, or simply need help with garden maintenance, the landscaping contractors at Montana Gardens in Kalispell can help. They can provide expert insight into your yard, creating and maintaining a garden and landscape design that looks great year after year. To schedule a consultation, call (406) 250-4950 or visit their website to learn more about their landscaping services. 
