
Homeowners love the look and feel of carpets. Their textures, patterns, and colors enhance the appearance of any room, but carpet stains, tears, and wrinkles are jarring. Although knowledgeable homeowners may keep the number of a trustworthy carpet repair company on speed dial to deal with the unexpected, the best tactic is to avoid the common causes of damage. Take note of these three helpful carpet care tips to remedy the inevitable mishap.

3 Common Causes for Carpet Repair    

1. Spills

Grape juice, tomato sauce, and coffee are challenging spills to clean up. Dark and thick liquids can work themselves deep into a rug’s fibers. Try not to carry food and drink into carpeted rooms. But if spills occur, keep a professional-grade carpet cleaner on hand to treat stains. You may have to call a professional carpet repair service if the stain is particularly stubborn. 

2. Moisture

carpet repairExcess moisture is detrimental to carpets. Be particularly vigilant about moisture buildup in carpeted basements and bathrooms. Wet carpeting will mildew as  fibers absorb water. Mildew and mold will not only ruin a carpet but also compromise your health. Avoid mold growth by using dehumidifiers to reduce indoor humidity, and never let standing water reside on your carpets.

3. Pet Accidents

Young and old pets will occasionally have accidents. Dogs and cats may also mar carpets with chewing and scratching. If you sprinkle moth flakes or spray a bitter-cherry-scented solution on your carpets where your pets like to bite and claw, you’ll discourage the behavior. Try blotting accidents with a mixture of club soda and white vinegar. It’ll help remove many stains and odors, but a professional may be needed if you can’t remove the spotting with this home remedy.


For quality carpet repair and stretching, trust the experts at Cross Carpet Repair & More in Lexington, KY. Serving the Greater Lexington area for over 30 years, their top-notch team of flooring professionals handles structural floor repairs and pet-damaged carpets with skill and proficiency. Visit their website for a peek at their gallery of flooring repair solutions, or call them at (859) 225-3863 to speak to the staff.
