
Whether you need to cover your automobile or your home, you might be tempted to get your insurance over the internet. While there are many online options for coverage, they can lack in many different ways. When you want to maximize your spending, and get optimal service at the same time, it’s often much better to work directly with a designated insurance agent. If you’re on the fence about who to get your policy from, here are a few ways that an agent can enhance your overall insurance experience.

5 Services Your Insurance Agent Can Provide

1. Pinpoint Individual Coverage Needs

Working with you directly, an insurance agent will take time to learn about your assets like car and auto insurance and risks to explore your coverage options. For example, they determine if you need state-mandated or optional coverage on your auto policy. If you need flood insurance added to your homeowner’s policy, they can work with you to find what covers your home and assets. By contrast, setting up a policy online could cause you to miss out on essential coverage or agree to protections that you don’t need.

2. Provide In-Depth Comparisons

insurance agentWhen you purchase insurance online, your quote will only come from the provider you choose. Independent agents, however, can prepare coverage from many different insurance companies. As a result, they can formulate more personalized quotes that allow you to compare rates and benefits from several providers. 

3. Identify Discount Opportunities

One common misconception about insurance agents is that their services are more expensive than individuals’ self-search online options. In reality, these licensed professionals can help you save more money. Specifically, they will identify qualifying discounts that you may not be aware of—such as those that apply to veterans, homeowners who invest in security systems, or drivers with good academic performance.

4. Maintain Regular Support

Some online providers don’t follow-up with you after you sign with them. Agents take a personalized approach and you have a single, direct point-of-contact for all your policy concerns. They might check in annually to ensure your policy reflects the amount of money you’re willing to pay if you’ve had a car accident, which can raise rates. They’ll also provide continued support to navigate you through the claims process if needed.


When you want coverage with a community touch, turn to the caring team and call Dan Kelley at Kelley Agency. Serving the Lorain, OH area, these licensed insurance agents will carefully review your needs to develop affordable, yet reliable policies. This team also makes shopping for policies easy, as they can provide you with home, health, business, or auto insurance in one convenient place. To learn more about their customized assistance or to request an insurance quote, call an experienced agent at (440) 282-8898.
