
While auto accidents are sometimes unavoidable, you can keep yourself and the drivers around you safer by practicing defensive driving. You can’t predict what other drivers will do on the road, but these defensive tactics will allow you to respond quickly and accurately when the unexpected happens.


Keep your distance. 

Although bumper-to-bumper traffic is an avoidable aspect of driving, always try to keep some distance between you and the car in front of you. Tailgating reduces your response time, increasing the risk of an auto accident if the driver in front of you stops short. When driving near commercial trucks, keeping your distance is also necessary to stay out of the drivers’ blind spots.

Adjust habits during bad weather.

auto accidentTreacherous weather conditions are also bound to occur from time to time. When it starts to rain or snow, reduce your speed when driving and turning. This will keep your tires from skidding or hydroplaning on wet pavement. If you’re driving long distances during a storm, don’t use cruise control, as you’ll need to brake frequently in response to other drivers.


Become emotional. 

It’s natural to feel frustration when cut off by other drivers, but try to keep your emotions in check when you get upset. Retaliation could lead to an auto accident or even a physical altercation. Also, try to remain a courteous driver to avoid becoming the target of someone else’s road rage.

Get distracted.

When you’re behind the wheel, your eyes should be on the road at all times. If you’re texting or fiddling with knobs on your dashboard, you won’t be able to respond quickly if road conditions change. Ohio also has a distracted driving law in place that prohibits texting while driving, meaning this behavior is both dangerous and illegal.


If you’ve been in an auto accident, the counselors at Morrison Hughes Law Firm are ready to serve as your legal representatives. These attorneys are based in Marietta, GA, and are prepared to help you file a claim, making sure you receive damages to put the incident behind you. Visit their law office online to discover how they’ll help with your case, and call (404) 800-5297 to schedule a consultation.  
