
Gravel is a timeless option for filling in your driveway or walkways. Once you’ve settled on using it, the next question is: how much do you need? Since it’s nearly impossible to calculate this by eye, a system known as a gravel calculator helps both contractors and do-it-yourselfers arrive at the right amount. Here’s everything you need to know about the calculation. 

What Are the Benefits of Using a Gravel Calculator?

When you rely on a gravel calculator, you can count on a precise estimate of the amount of stone you’ll need. If you order too much, you’ll be stuck storing extra gravel that might not be useful, and you’ll have wasted money. If you order too little, it will delay your project and force you to purchase another order, upping your expenses. Creating an accurate estimate is a crucial ability, especially for contractors, whose reputation is often tied to how well they can keep a schedule. 

How Do You Do It?gravel

Head to your driveway and use a tape measure to obtain the measurements, in feet, of both the length and the width of the area you’d like covered in gravel. If you’re trying to fill in circular areas, you’ll need to segment them into rectangles and squares for the process to work. This information can be plugged into an online gravel calculator. However, make sure it’s connected to a reputable company that doesn’t require you to supply too much personal information. You can also do the math yourself.  

Multiply the width and length together and you’ll have your total surface area. Divide that number by three and you’ll have the amount of gravel needed in cubic feet. Most gravel driveways are four inches deep, and four inches is one-third of a foot, hence why you divide by three. As a final step, divide your number by 27 to convert it into cubic yards. This final number can be relayed to the gravel company.


Once you’ve calculated the amount of gravel you’ll need, start a conversation with a trusted supplier like RJ Roncaglione Excavating in Linesville, PA, to begin your shipment. Serving the Crawford County area since 1982, the landscaping professionals will fast-track your order so your project doesn’t suffer delay. They can help with any related excavation if you have more extensive plans for your yard. For a free estimate, call (814) 683-4596. Learn more about the company by visiting their website
