
The gradual physical decline that comes with old age can make it challenging to complete certain tasks. By performing seated or chair yoga, though, seniors can maintain their strength and flexibility. This gentle form of physical therapy is ideal for those with limited mobility. As such, below is a basic guide to chair yoga for the elderly. 

What Is Chair Yoga?

Chair yoga is a form of yoga that you can do while sitting down. Each session is comprised solely of stretches that can be done without standing up, making it ideal for those who struggle with balance, flexibility, strength, or mobility.

Much like traditional yoga, chair yoga has many benefits, including better respiration, greater energy, improved mental clarity, and sharper concentration. Such benefits are especially helpful for seniors, who become more vulnerable to physical and cognitive decline with age.

Chair yoga can also serve as a kind of physical therapy for elderly individuals who are recovering from surgery or serious injuries. This gentle means of exercise can improve joint mobility and build up muscle mass over time. 

What Are Some Examples of Chair Yoga?

physical therapyIf an aging loved one wants to try chair yoga, a physical therapy provider can teach you some safe exercises based on any existing limitations. Such exercises might include Warrior One, the seated forward bend, and the reverse arm hold. 

To perform Warrior One while sitting, simply stretch both arms out as you inhale and then lift them straight up until your palms touch. Lace your fingers together, keeping the index fingers and thumbs out. Roll your shoulders back as you exhale, and take at least five more breaths before releasing your hands and letting them fall back to your sides.  

To perform the seated forward bend, lean forward as far as you comfortably can. For added support, rest your hands on your thighs, and slide them down your legs as you lean. Take five deep breaths while maintaining this bent over position before sitting back up. 

To perform the reverse arm hold, sit up straight, and stretch both arms out to the sides while inhaling. Upon exhaling, roll your shoulders forward and your palms back. Then, bend your elbows until your hands swing behind your back. Clasp them together and then pull them away from each other gently without letting go. Take five even breaths before releasing. 


Seniors in Austin, TX, and the surrounding areas can turn to The Health Care Center at Longhorn Village for chair yoga and other forms of physical therapy. A full-service senior rehabilitation center, this state-of-the-art facility has fostered a warm, welcoming, and home-like environment for their patients; however, non-residents are also invited to take advantage of their tailored physical therapy treatments. To learn more about this medical center and determine how they can meet your family’s needs, visit their website or call (512) 382-4664.
