
Root canal therapy is designed to preserve teeth that have been compromised by severe infection or injury. In most cases, the results of this care will last a lifetime. However, the treatment area may not fully heal. Fortunately, if the initial root canal fails, you won’t necessarily have to have the tooth removed. Instead, you should visit your dentist for retreatment. Here’s how you can recognize the problem and what proper care entails.

What Are Signs You Need Retreatment?


Pain is the most common sign that root canal therapy has failed and that the nerve tissue has not healed correctly. Depending on the circumstances, the pain may feel like a constant throbbing around the treatment area. In other cases, you might only experience discomfort whenever you exert pressure on the tooth—such as when you chew or brush.


If root canal therapy failure leads to another infection, the area around the tooth will swell. A boil might form on the gum tissue and occasionally drain pus. Contact a dentist right away if you notice this to ensure you get prompt treatment.


Sensitivity is also a sign root canal therapythat the nerve tissue inside the treated tooth is compromised. For example, you feel a slight tingling or sharp sensation whenever you consume hot or cold beverages or eat sugary foods.

What Does Retreatment Entail?

Every case of retreatment varies depending on the underlying circumstances—such as what caused the root canal failure and the shape or positioning of the tooth. After the dentist has evaluated your tooth, they typically provide anesthetics to prevent any pain during treatment. Next, they remove the crown or filling. The dentist will then carefully remove all of the material—known as gutta-percha—from the root canal. This area undergoes sanitization to remove debris and stop any recurring infection. If you have narrow or curved canals, surgery may be necessary to improve access to the tooth. Finally, the open space will be filled again and covered with a dental crown.


Providing comprehensive family dentistry services in Cincinnati, OH, for over two decades, Kemper Pond Dental is an exceptional resource for root canal therapy. Backed by advanced tools, this compassionate team quickly and accurately diagnoses root canal problems—including those that require retreatment or tooth extraction. This clinic also offers comprehensive cosmetic dentistry solutions—such as crowns and bonding—to help your restored smile look healthy and natural. To learn more about their capabilities, visit this oral health provider online. For appointments, call (513) 531-4069.
