
When winter temperatures settle in, the last thing you want is a furnace that doesn’t work correctly. If you’re turning on the system for the first time this season, you face a high likelihood of experiencing problems — including unexpected breakdowns that could jeopardize your safety and comfort. If you want to avoid inconvenient and expensive furnace repairs this winter, here are a few steps you should take before turning the heating system on for the season.

Steps to Take to Prepare Your Furnace for Winter

Replace the Filter

In general, replace air filters every 60 to 90 days, and always switch it out before turning on the furnace. When properly maintained, these devices help keep dust, allergens, bacteria, and other contaminants from passing through the ventilation. Once filters become clogged, they interrupt airflow and contribute to energy inefficiency. To enjoy optimal indoor air quality, choose a pleated HEPA filter.

Assess Alarms

If a furnace malfunctions, you face a higher risk for fire and carbon monoxide poisoning. To defend against these dangers, install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors throughout the house. If you already have alarms installed, change the batteries and test their performance to ensure they will work in an emergency.

Fine-Tune the Thermostat

Constantly adjusting the thermostat can force your heating system to work harder than it should. That’s why heating contractors recommend installing a programmable or smart thermostat. These devices keep temperatures stable and comfortable. They also avoid wasting energy when you don’t need extra heat, such as lowering the temperature when you’re away at work or covered up in bed.

furnace repairClean Up Clutter

Sweep up dirt and debris and remove any items from around the furnace. Dust and wipe down the equipment — including the vents — to remove buildup. This ensures the system has optimal airflow to produce desired temperatures efficiently. It can also help prevent the system from overheating — a problem that could lead to fires or the need for unexpected furnace repairs.

Schedule Heating System Maintenance

Hire a heating contractor to perform a complete system inspection. After the evaluation, your furnace repair technician will tune up equipment, replace faulty parts, and turn on the pilot light to support dependable service all winter long.


As winter approaches, don’t wait to get your furnace ready for the cold. Instead, turn to the trusted team at DK Heating & Sons. This family-owned and -operated HVAC company has served the Perry, OH, community for six decades, and they’re recognized for providing affordable and reliable service. Whether you need routine heating system maintenance or 24/7 emergency furnace repair, these professionals are ready to help. Visit their website for details on how they can improve efficiency and indoor air quality. For service, call (440) 259-4557.
