
It’s lovely having a pet around the house, but four-legged friends and home appliances aren’t always a match made in heaven – and this is particularly true of your HVAC unit. The combination of fur, teeth that love to chew, and territorial behaviors open you up to a lot of potential issues if you don’t take measures to pet-proof your property. Here are some ways you can keep your pet safe and your HVAC repair problems to a minimum.

5 Tips for Protecting Your HVAC System From Pets

1. Clean Filters Regularly

Your HVAC system needs to remain clean and fur-free to work effectively. But dog hair has a knack of finding its way everywhere, including your HVAC filters. Make sure you replace them as per the manufacturer’s guidelines and clean your filters in between replacements.

2. Keep Vents Clear

If your vents can’t distribute air equally, you’ll find that the temperatures in your home can be freezing cold in some rooms while toasty warm in others. Make sure no dog toys or dog beds are pushed up against vents, blocking air from coming into the room.

3. Prevent Pets from Marking Their Territory

HVAC RepairDogs like leaving their mark, but it becomes an issue if they choose to do so against your HVAC unit. Urine is corrosive and eats away at vents or gets inside the unit and damages the internal elements. The most effective way to keep pets away is to fence in your HVAC units. If that’s not feasible, try a “no-spray” product.

4. Keep Wires Covered

Dogs love to chew things, and your HVAC wire will be no exception. This is dangerous for your pet and can cause your HVAC unit to stop working. Rewiring is a costly HVAC repair job, and your pet is irreplaceable. Take no chances and keep all wires boxed in and out of harm’s way.

5. Schedule Professional Maintenance Checks

Prevention is always better than a cure. Regular maintenance checks will help you stay on top of HVAC repair tasks before they turn into a big (and expensive) problem.


For local heating and cooling specialists, check out Rise Heating and Air in Denver, CO. Their highly trained, certified team will keep your home climate control systems running efficiently and smoothly throughout the year. They use the highest quality tools and machinery for every job, and their installations help save you money on energy bills. For more information on their full range of services, call (303) 210-8086 or visit their website.
