
Many seniors in America let their exercise routines take the back seat as they get older or have never started one. At this time of life, exercise may be more necessary than ever. It has plenty of health benefits that will fight the effects of aging on the body, and it provides a solid foundation for addressing major health concerns and conditions. Here are some of the common reasons why seniors avoid exercise—and the truth behind each one.

3 Misconceptions That Keep Seniors From the Gym

1. It's Too Late for Me to Start

It's never too late to start an exercise routine. Your body may not lose weight or build muscle as easily as it did while you were young, but having the body of a young adult isn't the goal. Instead, the goal is to build bone density, maintain flexibility and balance, and keep as much lean muscle as you can; to do that, you can start at any time.

2. It's Not Safe

ExerciseNot all exercises will work for everyone. If you have a heart condition, you may have to focus on low-intensity workouts, and if you have balance problems or brittle bones, running and lifting weights may not be for you. But there are many options, like swimming or yoga, that provide health benefits with little risk of injury.

3. My Mobility Is Too Limited 

Your fitness routine will have to be tailored to what you can do. If you can't stand or walk, you can still exercise your arms. If you have problems with fatigue, you can still do ten minutes of exercise each day, even if you can't manage 30. Any amount and type of exertion is better than nothing.


If you're looking for group fitness programs to boost your health, visit Psychosomatic Transformation Center in Tuscon, AZ. Serving Pima County, they focus on functional training, or exercises that will make your body better at completing everyday tasks. Each day includes a new workout so that your body never gets used to the routine and keeps getting stronger. To get started, call (520) 877-3488 to learn more about their programs. 
