
A severe drain clog will require professional services, which can be costly. However, before you call for help, try a natural drain cleaning solution to fix the problem. Here are a few ways to clear your drain without using environmentally harmful chemicals.

4 Eco-Friendly Drain Cleaning Solutions

1.  Use a Wire Coat Hanger

Simple solutions sometimes work best. Using a wire coat hanger can be an easy way to clear your clogged plumbing. Straighten out the hanger while leaving the hook in place. Push the wire down into the drain with the hook-end first to grab the trapped debris. This may be enough to solve the problem.

2. Hot Water and Dish Soap

Many kitchen sink clogs are caused by grease that cools in the drain and causes a blockage. In this case, the best method for drain cleaning is to heat the grease until it melts. Boil 2 liters of water and mix it together with 2-3 tablespoons of dish detergent. You may have to do this a few times, but it works on many blocked drains.

3. Mix Baking Soda and Vinegar Drain Cleaning

Combining baking soda and vinegar works best if you don’t have standing water in the sink, so you need to siphon out all of the water first. Next, pour about ½ cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by ½ cup of white vinegar. Let it sit for an hour, and the blockage should clear.

4. Use a Plunger

Invest in a rubber sink plunger to remove stubborn blockages. Clear any cloths or dirty dishes from the sink and fill it halfway with warm water to create suction between the sink and plunger. It may take a few minutes, but you should be able to work the blockage loose without calling a plumber.


While these drain cleaning methods can help with mild blockages, they won’t work in every case. If you’ve tried these suggestions and the drain remains clogged, call Paradise Plumbing in Haleiwa, HI. After 15 years of servicing the community, they have seen nearly every type of plumbing problem. To view their full range of services, visit their website. For services available 24 hours a day, call (808) 368-1473.
