
With school officially in full swing, many children are preparing to partake in afterschool sports teams and clubs. As a parent, you must do everything you can to keep them safe during these activities, especially regarding their oral health. The following guide offers some dentist-approved tips to keep your little one’s smile in great shape all year long, as well as an overview of some of the injuries they could encounter. 

What Protective Equipment Does Your Child Need?

Dentists recommend investing in protective gear to effectively ensure your little one’s teeth won’t sustain damage during practice or games. One of the essential appliances to have is a mouthguard. These devices are custom made to fit the exact shape and size of your child’s mouth, providing cushioning and protection around each of their teeth. Not only does this protect against chips, cracks, or lost teeth upon impact, but it also protects your child from damaging the sensitive tissues in the tongue and gums. 

dentist Matthews, NCAnother crucial part of protecting their teeth is ensuring they wear a helmet. These can vary between sports and activities, so be sure to purchase one that is approved by the organization your child is playing in. This will add a layer of cushioning against balls, gear, and contact while they are playing. 

What Are Some Common Injuries to Be Aware Of?

In the event your child does get hurt during practice, understanding what kinds of injuries they are at risk of will help you and your dentist take the most effective action possible. The most common types of damage from contact sports include chipped or cracked teeth, which often occur when the child falls or is hit with gear. Another common injury occurs when the child bites down on their tongue upon impact, which can lead to nerve or tissue damage. While these injuries can result in a significant amount of blood, you need to keep your child calm. Try to find the source of the cut or bite, stop the bleeding as much as possible, and schedule an emergency dental appointment as soon as possible.


If you need help keeping your child’s teeth safe while they’re playing sports, talk to the dentists at Bellasera Family Dentistry. Located in Matthews, NC, and serving all of Mecklenburg County, these professionals are proud to offer a broad range of services, from cosmetic to restorative dentistry. Their caring professionals will ensure that your child is well taken care of, and make sure that their visit to the dentist is pleasant, regardless of the circumstances. Visit their website to learn more about what they do, and call (704) 321-7929 to schedule an appointment today. 
