
If your teeth are misaligned, or you have too much space between each tooth, your dentist will likely recommend wearing braces for a few years. During this time, you’ll need to be careful about what you eat and drink to protect your investment. You’ll also need to change your oral hygiene routine slightly. The following guide outlines a few tips for cleaning your braces to ensure optimum success.

3 Tips for Cleaning Your Braces

1. Brushing

dentist-Clarke-County-gaMost people know it’s crucial to brush their teeth at least twice a day. However, this becomes even more important when you have braces. The brackets increase the chances of food getting stuck after meals, making them dirty and bacteria ladden. To keep your braces clean, try to brush after every meal. Hold your lips back with one hand as you brush with the other, paying special attention to the tops and bottoms of the brackets.

2. Flossing

When flossing, you’ll need to do more than clean between each tooth. Once you have braces, you’ll also need to pay special attention to the wires. Using a floss pick, gently scrape beneath the wire to remove any leftover food that could otherwise contribute to plaque buildup and decay.

3. Water Picks

At least once a day, you should give your braces a more thorough cleaning. Water picks, which are sold at most drugstores, are an effective way to clean beneath each bracket and wire without irritating the teeth and gums. These irrigation tools use a motor to push water into tight spaces, clearing out debris and leftover food particles.


If you need help keeping your braces clean, talk to the professionals at Athens Family Dental. Serving residents throughout Clarke County, GA, these orthodontists have over 25 years of experience handling a wide range of oral health services. Visit their website to learn more about their practice, and call (706) 548-3279 to schedule an appointment today.
