
Most people know they need to visit their dentist twice a year for routine cleanings. In some cases, though, a little more work may be necessary. If your gum health is significantly compromised, the doctor and hygienist may recommend scaling and planing. The following guide takes a closer look at this procedure so you’ll be educated and prepared for your appointment.

When Is Scaling & Planing Necessary?

Usually, regular brushing and flossing combined with biannual appointments for cleanings are enough to keep significant plaque and tartar buildup at bay. However, when routine maintenance doesn’t suffice, scaling and root planing is crucial to get rid of any bacteria that has accumulated around the gum line. Without this procedure, the teeth may pull away from the gums, and periodontal disease may set in. 

What Does the Procedure Entail?

dentistYour dentist will start with the scaling portion. During this part of the process, they will gently scrape around the teeth and below the upper portion of the gum line to loosen any existing plaque or tartar. Next, they’ll straighten and smooth out the roots of your teeth to prevent further bacteria and plaque buildup. 

What Happens Afterward?

After the procedure is over, it’s normal to feel a bit of tenderness and soreness in the gums. This shouldn’t last any longer than a week, but during that time, you should take precautions to minimize discomfort and prevent infections. Try to avoid foods and drinks that are too hot or cold, and rinse your mouth out with salt water twice a day to cleanse the gums. After a week, you may need to revisit your dentist so they can check your progress. 


To ensure optimum oral health, turn to the team at Elberta Dental. With more than 20 years of service in Baldwin County, AL, the practice is proud to offer an extensive range of services, from cosmetic dentistry to routine cleanings. For the treatment of gum disease, Dr. Richard N. Leverett also provides a non-surgical treatment called PerioProtect®. Visit the website to learn more about the compassionate, highly trained staff and call (251) 986-3500 to schedule an appointment with a dentist today. 
