
Your furnace keeps the house warm and comfortable throughout the winter. However, after a long summer of sitting idle, it may need some maintenance before you fire it up for the first time. The following steps will help you enjoy a more comfortable and safe home while keeping your HVAC equipment in top condition for as long as possible.

Clean Around the Unit

The heating system needs proper airflow to work efficiently. Keep it away from flammable or combustible items while it’s in use. Before turning on the heat, remove any items from the base of the unit and carefully clean dust or debris from the exterior. Also, change the air filter inside so that you can enjoy clean air once you start it up.

Test Alarms Throughout the Home

furnaceSince furnaces create heat inside a building, their operation could lead to potential hazards like smoke or carbon monoxide. Though the appliances are generally safe to operate, you should still have working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors on every level of the house. Test each device to ensure it works before firing up the heating system.

Get a Professional Inspection

Ensure your system is in proper working order before the cold weather kicks in. A professional inspection each autumn helps you catch any potential issues that may prevent you from getting the heat your home needs. Plus, tuneups clean and flush out any parts of the unit that may be backed up, including the drain line and exhaust. Set a scheduled maintenance plan so that your furnace gets the necessary attention each season.


Contact Blind & Sons, Inc., in Barberton, OH, for a professional furnace inspection. This HVAC contractor offers a wide array of services for homeowners, including furnace and air conditioning repair, ductless split system installation, electrical work, and plumbing repairs. The family-owned business has more than 80 years of experience, and their technicians are required to complete 100 hours of training each year. To schedule service, visit the company’s website or call (330) 753-7711.
