
After Halloween, your home will be filled with chocolates and candies from your children’s trick-or-treating haul. While you may have your hands full keeping your kids away from these sweet treats, don’t forget to keep an eye on your dog as well. Below are several important pet health facts explaining why it’s essential to make sure your curious pup stays away from your Halloween candy. 

How Sweets Harm Your Dog

Dogs can’t digest chocolate like humans can. When they ingest it, they can experience chocolate toxicity, resulting in symptoms like elevated heart rate, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst, and seizures. If not treated properly, it can be fatal.

pet healthChocolate isn’t the only sweet that can harm canines. Sugar intake increases their odds of developing pancreatitis. This results in inflammation of the pancreas, causing digestive enzymes to leak into the abdomen, which results in pain and nausea. 

Just like people, dogs experience cavities. Sticky candies like licorice, gummies, and caramels may also cause dental damage. These sticky foods cling to teeth and are tough to remove, allowing bacteria-attracting sugar to stick around.

What You Can Do to Protect Pet Health

Keep your dog away from Halloween candy by storing it high in a secure cupboard. If you suspect that your canine might have ingested chocolate, regardless of whether they’re showing signs of chocolate toxicity, contact or visit a veterinarian immediately. Prompt diagnosis means early treatment and mitigates the risk of fatal consequences.



For pet health care in Monroe County, NY, look to Hilton Veterinary Hospital. This full-service pet hospital in Rochester offers medical, dental, and surgical services. They have been helping the community’s pet owners raise happy and healthy dogs for over 25 years. They believe in providing affordable, high-quality pet health care. For your convenience, they also have an online store providing everything from prescription medications to foods. For an appointment, call the veterinary clinic at (585) 392-2937.
