
If you lose a tooth or need to have one removed, you are probably concerned about how this will affect your smile. However, thanks to recent innovations, a replacement tooth can be implanted to make your smile whole again. Dental implants can help resolve many serious medical problems as well as provide a cosmetic solution to damaged smiles. If you are considering this procedure, you will want to know how these devices are made and how they can help improve or maintain your oral health.

Should You Get Dental Implants?

What Are They?

These orthodontic devices consist of three parts. When these parts are combined, they create an almost exact replica of your tooth. The actual implant, which is composed of a small titanium post, is surgically implanted into the jaw tissue under local anesthetic. Next, a healing cap, or abutment, is placed onto the implant while the tissue heals. After the area has healed, a composite resin or porcelain crown is cemented onto the implant, completing the restoration. 

dental implantsTo be a good candidate for a dental implant, your gums and underlying jaw tissue needs to be healthy. Because smokers have higher instances of dental implant failure, your dentist may also ask you to stop smoking. Patients who have certain illnesses or who have taken certain medications may not be candidates since healing can be impaired, which puts the health of your jaw at risk.

How Are They Beneficial? 

Dental implants are unique because they are permanent, and they can last for a lifetime with proper brushing, flossing, and dental care. Implants also help to transfer the pressure caused by chewing and talking to the jaw bone, which prevents bone loss and helps the patient to retain their other teeth and the shape of their face


If you are living with a smile you aren’t happy with and you are ready to make some changes, turn to Elizabeth A Loseke DDS PC. For the past 20 years, this talented and experienced dentist has been helping her patients to enjoy healthier, more comfortable smiles that they can feel confident about. Her personal approach allows her and her team of licensed professionals to evaluate your needs and create a treatment plan that will fix both oral health and cosmetic issues. Explore her website to find out how she can help, or give her office a call at (308) 234-4564 to schedule an appointment. 
