
When you have a clogged drain, you want it clear as soon as possible. If the thought of pulling out whatever is blocking the pipe makes your stomach turn, or you don't have time to call a plumbing company for help, you might think the best option is a store-bought drain cleaner. After all, it’s easy, it’s inexpensive, and it keeps you from having to touch whatever is gumming up your drain. However, using a drain cleaner is never a good idea, and it can have severe ramifications for your home’s plumbing.

4 Reasons to Avoid Using Drain Cleaner

1. Drain Cleaners Can Damage Plumbing

Hydrochloric acid is the active ingredient in most commercial drain cleaners. This is a caustic chemical designed to dissolve grease, hair and whatever else may be blocking your drain. However, it can also damage sensitive surfaces and materials, like your pipes and the enamel surfaces on your sink and tub. The longer the acid sits in your pipes, the worse the potential damage will be. 

2. Drain Cleaners Are Toxic to Humans 

If a substance can wear away your pipes, imagine what it can do to your skin. Even a tiny amount of drain cleaner splashed on your skin can cause a severe burn if you don’t wash it off immediately, and ingesting it can be fatal. Additionally, the fumes can irritate your eyes and nose, and these effects can linger even after the clog is cleared. For the safety of you and your family, it’s better to call a plumbing company for help with a stubborn clog.

3. Drain Cleaners Don’t Always Work 

plumbing company Grand Island, NELiquid drain cleaners are designed to eliminate particular materials. If the clog is due to a different problem, the drain cleaner will not work. It’s possible that the chemicals could then be stuck in the pipe, leading to a risk of splashback onto you and severe damage to the pipes that lead to a leak. It’s better to try safer methods of clearing the clog first, such as manually pulling out hair or pouring boiling water down the drain. If those don’t work, call the plumbing company for help. 

4. Drain Cleaners Are Harmful to the Environment and Septic Systems

If you have a private septic system, drain cleaners are not recommended as they can disrupt the natural bacteria in the tank and potentially leak out into the drain field. This can contaminate groundwater and harm wildlife that lives near your home. When the empty bottle ends up in a landfill, the residue left behind can be harmful to the environment if it disintegrates into the soil or is burned as part of a bulk incineration. 


If you have a stubborn clog that won’t clear, call Winfrey Plumbing for help. For more than 50 years this knowledgeable and friendly plumbing company has served Grand Island, NE, and the surrounding areas, offering both residential and commercial plumbing services and 24/7 emergency assistance. Their licensed professionals will take a personal approach to your plumbing to ensure that you are taken care of at all times. To learn more about their services and current discounts, visit them online or call (308) 379-9665 to schedule service.
