
You may take great pride in the condition of your yard, but tree stumps can detract from it in a number of ways. Here’s why you should hire a tree service for prompt stump removal.

Why You Should Remove Tree Stumps in Your Yard

1. Pest Problems

Tree stumps invite insects and other pests with a place to feed and live. Once they make themselves at home inside, it’s easy for more to collect. Before long, they spread to nearby healthy trees and plants. Moreover, if the stump is diseased, then the pests could easily transmit the infection to other areas.

2. Tripping Hazard

Honolulu, HI stump removalIt’s not always easy to see tree stumps in the yard. Any protrusion from the ground can be dangerous for children, animals, neighbors, and passersby who aren’t aware of its presence. If someone who doesn’t live in your home happens to trip and fall, then you may be held liable for their injuries. The stump can also pose a risk to you if you forget it’s there while mowing the lawn or playing with your kids. After stump removal, the yard will be safe to use again.

3. Aesthetic Distraction

Even the most eye-catching and attractive yard in the neighborhood can be marred by the presence of a hefty tree stump. In addition to being unsightly, the stump also has the potential to grow back. As that happens, the fresh growth starts to rob the healthy neighboring trees of the vital nutrients they need to thrive. Grass in the vicinity will also decline, taking away from the yard’s pristine appearance.  


Get rid of a tree stump with the help of the professionals at Sherwood’s Tree Service in Honolulu, HI. Since 1974, they’ve provided top-notch service to homeowners throughout Oahu. In addition to stump removal, they offer tree trimming and removal as well as 24-hour services in emergency situations. Visit them online to learn more about their services, or call them at (808) 537-9705 to schedule an appointment.
