
Your body needs iron and other nutrients to make hemoglobin, the substance in your blood that binds with oxygen and carries it throughout the system. When you don't have enough iron to do the job, you develop anemia. Anemia awareness is a common aspect of pregnancy care, since the condition increases the risk of premature labor or low birth weight. To help you and your baby stay healthy, here’s all you need to know about this issue and how to prevent it. 

Why Anemia Happens During Pregnancy

When you're pregnant, your body's blood supply increases by about 20 to 30%. This increase means you need more iron, and you might not be able to get enough of it from your regular diet. The further along you get in pregnancy care, the higher your blood volume is, which makes you more likely to develop anemia.

Risk Factors & Warning Signs

Pregnancy CareIf you had heavy periods before your pregnancy, you're at higher risk for anemia. You're also more likely to develop it if you're not eating enough foods that contain iron, including spinach, lentils, and turkey meat. If you vomit regularly, are carrying twins, or have had multiple children close together, you’re also at risk.

People with anemia often feel tired or weak, may look pale, experience rapid heartbeats and breathing, and have difficulty concentrating.

How to Prevent This

To prevent iron deficiency during your pregnancy, make sure you're getting at least 27 milligrams of this mineral per day. This can come from supplements your pregnancy care doctor prescribes or your diet. Include iron-rich foods like dark leafy greens, eggs, and peanuts into your routine. 


If you need pregnancy care in Monroe County, choose Genesee Valley Obstetrics & Gynecology PC. Based in Rochester, NY, they offer skilled and compassionate service in a state-of-the-art facility. With their online patient portal, you can have 24/7 access to your medical records as well as easy communication with their providers. Call (585) 232-3210 to schedule an appointment, or view a list of their services online.
