
Yellow spots on your lawn are an eyesore. If they occur, it’s crucial to implement an efficient lawn care regimen to restore your greenery’s health. To combat this issue, it’s best to understand what causes these spots to develop in the first place. Below are three reasons your lawn could be developing these unsightly patches. 

3 Reasons Yellow Patches Develop on Lawns

1. Nitrogen

Nitrogen is a crucial component in healthy soil, and your grass needs it to grow. If your soil is deficient in nitrogen, your grass will begin to die and turn yellow. However, too much nitrogen can also cause these patches to develop. Dog urine contains concentrated amounts of nitrogen, and it’s easily identifiable as the culprit because yellowing will occur in rings, with bright green edges. The fertilizer you use in your lawn care routine could also be the cause, as many contain high levels of nitrogen. A professional lawn care team can test the soil to determine the nitrogen levels and normalize them if needed. 

2. Parched, Dried Lawn

For best growth, grass requires shade and a healthy amount of water. Too much direct sunlight and heat can leach moisture from the air and soil, particularly if there has been a drought. You’ll notice neighboring lawns turning yellow, along with yours, if there is a water conservation in place due to an ongoing drought. To remedy the issue, spray about an inch of water a few times a week until it’s safe to use more. 

3. Diseases & Pests

lawn careThe problem could also be caused by insects and their larvae. They eat the blades or the root systems, which prevents the delivery of moisture and nutrients needed for proper growth. If you get close and look at the soil with a magnifying glass, you should be able to spot insects if they’re the cause.

Caterpillars and grubs are the primary offenders. Lawn diseases, mostly fungal, could also be to blame. Fusarium is a common fungal disease that absorbs the nutrients in the soil, depriving your grass of food.



Not sure what to do about the yellow spots in your lawn? The lawn care experts at Pasadena Gardening & Tree Service offer effective remedies to bring your lawn back to life. For over 25 years, this Pasadena, CA, landscaping company has provided comprehensive lawn services, including lawn fertilizing, watering, anti-fungal and -pest treatments, and routine maintenance. They’ll determine the cause of your yellow spots and provide affordable, effective care. Learn about their lawn care services online or call (626) 449-4340 to schedule an appointment. 
