
Even though you might not feel ready to give up those lazy, warm afternoons, the warm weather will be over sooner than you know. While you can take a few weeks to adjust, your home’s furnace will need to adapt quickly to changing temperatures. To avoid making a panicked call to your heating contractor down the line, use the following tips to ensure your system’s in shape for fall.

3 Tips for Getting a Furnace Ready for Autumn 

1. Perform a Test Run

During the last weeks of warm weather, give your furnace a test drive. This way, you can figure out whether or not you need to repair or replace anything before your family’s comfort is at stake. To check on the heating fixture, turn it on and allow it to run for a half-hour. If you hear any banging or groaning noises—especially those that continue after the initial warm-up—you might need to call a heating contractor. Other problems include the absence of warm air, uneven heating throughout your house, or short on and off cycles.

2. Clean or Replace the Filter

heating contractorJust like with your cooling system, your furnace sends air through the ductwork in the home, and eventually through a screen or filter. The tight-knit fibers in this panel latch onto impurities in the air, such as dust, dander, pollen, and smoke. If you didn’t clean or replace the filter at the end of the last heating season, you’ll definitely need to tend to this task now. Even if you did, check the filter before starting the system back up again in case a pest or mold problem developed during the warmer months.

3. Schedule a Tuneup

While your furnace might seem ready to tackle the fall as-is, there could be underlying issues that only a heating contractor can find and fix. As such, schedule a tuneup as early as possible. During this annual maintenance checkup, a contractor will clean the burner and blower wheel, inspect the heat exchanger and electrical aspects, and tighten the belts inside your furnace. They’ll also check that the ductwork is clean, clear, and ready to transport warm air.


If you’re looking for a reliable heating contractor to check on your furnace, turn to Marvin's Heating & Air Conditioning in San Marcos, TX. They have over 36 years of experience tending to the unique HVAC needs of Texas residents. Their licensed and insured team also caters to commercial property owners, so you can stay comfortable at home and on the job. For more information on their services, visit the website, or call (512) 396-4791 today.
