
Brakes are one of the most crucial components of your vehicle’s safety system, which is why regular brake service is necessary. Without brakes, the car can’t slow down or stop, putting yourself, fellow drivers, and pedestrians in danger. Knowing common causes of brake failure, explained here, will leave you better equipped to alter your current behaviors to reduce strain on components.

3 Common Causes of Brake Failure

1. Sporadic Maintenance

When you schedule an oil change, have the auto mechanic check the brakes, too. Neglect is often to blame for premature failure, as continuing to drive with misshapen rotors, thinning pads, and cracked brake lines will make the wear worse. As part of a brake service check, a trained technician will examine the components and repair any problems before brakes fail.

2. Hauling Heavy Loads

Greensboro-North-Carolina-brake-serviceWeighing your car down with a lot of cargo impacts how brakes function. It takes more effort to slow down and stop, raising the braking temperature in the process and damaging components. Uneven weight distribution can also cause brakes to lock, which is why you shouldn’t overload the car.

3. Excessive Braking

If you constantly apply pressure to brakes, try to alter your habits. Frequent braking causes the pads to overheat. The high temperatures alter the material, leaving it hard and easily breakable. It will also take longer to stop, as the rocklike pads can’t connect with the wheel rotor disk as they should.


For brake service to prevent life-threatening situations while driving, contact the mechanics at Continental Motors in Greensboro, NC. Motorists throughout the community have put their trusts in the technicians since 1986, feeling confident the team will provide effective auto maintenance and repairs to keep their vehicles running smoothly. Visit the mechanics online for special offers and call (336) 275-4791 for a free brake service estimate. Become a Facebook follower for helpful upkeep advice.
