
Car accidents are confusing and frightening, especially if you’ve been injured. Unfortunately, what you do immediately after a collision can have a dramatic impact on your ability to collect compensation if the other driver was responsible for the crash. The steps below will help protect your rights and increase your chances of successfully filing a personal injury claim later.

3 Steps to Take After a Car Accident

1. Don’t Admit Fault

After a collision, you may be tempted to apologize or offer to pay for the other driver’s damages, even if you think they may be at fault. However, insurance companies often try to use these statements as an excuse to deny your claim, leaving you to pay for your property damage and medical bills yourself. To avoid accidentally admitting fault, it’s best to avoid discussing the causes of the accident with the other driver or their insurer until you talk to a lawyer.

2. Collect Evidence From the Scene

car accidentDocumenting the accident scene as much as possible will help support your version of events if you need to file a claim later. If possible, take photos of the damage to each vehicle, any conditions that led to the crash, and your own injuries. Your attorney may also need the names and contact information of any witnesses, along with a brief description of what they saw.

3. Seek Medical Attention

Adrenaline and shock can mask the symptoms of even serious car accident injuries, which may not develop until hours, or even days, later. Even if you feel like you escaped the accident unscathed, it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible. They may be able to keep your condition from getting worse, and the medical records they produce can be valuable evidence linking your injuries to the accident.


If you’ve been hurt in a car accident, the attorneys at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. have the experience and resources to fight for your rights. Since 1989, they’ve provided aggressive representation to accident victims throughout the Greater Boston area, establishing an impressive track record of successful results. Visit their website for more on their personal injury services or call (617) 778-1000 for a consultation today.
