
Coffee, curries, colored sweets, and wine are all known culprits of tooth stains. Unless you’re willing to give them up, it’s crucial to take preventative steps when enjoying them. These, along with a teeth whitening from your dentist if needed, will ensure you have a white, radiant smile while still enjoying your favorite foods and drinks.

3 Ways to Prevent Tooth Stains

1. Drink Through a Straw

If you don’t want to worry about your morning coffee or after-workout sports drink staining your teeth, drink through a straw. The liquid will pass your teeth. You can also try adding milk to coffee and tea or swapping colored sports drinks for water or light-colored options. Keep in mind that sugary coffee and drinks can fuel decay and should be enjoyed in moderation.

2. Cut Out Tobacco

dentist-concord-ncCigarettes, cigars, chew, and other tobacco products are all going to stain your teeth, so quit. They drastically increase your chances of developing gum disease and oral cancer as well. Once you’ve quit, schedule a teeth whitening treatment with your dentist and stick to stain-prevention tips going forward.

3. Brush & Rinse

There’s no better way to prevent stains than brushing. Your enamel is porous, and when berry juice, wine, and other stain-causing agents slip into the pores, they settle and create stains. Try rinsing your mouth with water after a meal or colored drink, and brush regularly. Just make sure you’re using a soft-bristle toothbrush so you don’t wear down enamel. You should also use an alcohol-free mouthwash so it doesn’t dry out your mouth.


Whether you’re dealing with stains or simply overdue for a trip to the dentist, contact Stacy Lesley DDS. Dr. Lesley is proud to serve Concord, NC, and brings over 20 years of experience to patients. You’ll find both general care and cosmetic dentistry services available, which you can learn more about on Dr. Lesley’s website. Call (704) 766-1488 to schedule an exam and connect on Facebook for more dental care tips.
