
When a loved one passes, one of the most meaningful ways to let their legacy live on is to provide them with an elegant grave marker worthy of their life and accomplishments. There are several different ways to personalize this marker and create a fitting tribute. Below are three ways to add a personal and meaningful touch to a gravesite. 

How to Make a Grave Marker More Meaningful

1. Epitaph 

It’s important to have more than just your loved one’s name on the grave marker. An epitaph is a concise summary of who they were and what they meant to the people in their life. First, consider detailing their most important connections and how loved they were (for example, “Beloved mother, sister, and wife”). To truly personalize the writing, you can also add something about their personality or values, like their zest for life, athletic accomplishments, or another quality worthy of remembrance. 

2. Decoration

grave markerYou can also always refresh the area with care when you visit. By bringing candles, flowers, wreaths, or other tokens, you can clearly convey that your loved one is still very much loved and missed. These items will help create a more vivid space and make the grave marker an even more special site. Seeing that the area is cared for and decorated will also bring some comfort to other people visiting your loved one. 

3. QR Code

A scannable QR code can let people learn much more about your loved one’s life and legacy. Once scanned, the code will send a visitor’s phone to a personalized website which can feature much more information about your loved one, such as an obituary, a eulogy, photos, videos, and other memories posted by friends and family. 



To create a beautiful grave marker that commemorates your loved one, speak to a specialist at Gibney Monument Works in Perry, NY. With over 65 years of experience, the locally-owned and -operated monument company offers everything from custom plaques to candles and flowers. You can consult with their team by calling (585) 237-2750. Learn more about the operation by visiting their website
