
Having healthy teeth and gums paves the way for comfortable eating and self-confidence. However, many people aren’t sure how to care for their teeth properly, causing problems down the line. Here are a few tips for keeping your smile healthy, including regularly visiting your dentist

Advice for Healthier Teeth & Gums

1. Brush & Floss Properly

Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle facing your gums, and sweep away debris near your gumline. Also, floss once a day to remove plaque and bacteria between the teeth. When you floss, use concise, steady motions, and move it in a sawing motion up around the entire tooth. Rinse your mouth thoroughly when you are finished to clean your teeth completely. 

2. Make Regular Dental Appointments 

dentistDuring routine dental appointments, your dentist will look for everything from dental decay to hidden fractures. Because dental issues can snowball if left untreated, routine visits to your dentist will help you treat problems proactively and keep your teeth and gums healthier. For instance, if you have a cavity that is left untreated, the decay will grow and cause significant decay inside the tooth, creating the need for a root canal or extraction. 

3. Commit to a Healthy Lifestyle 

Since a poor diet, lack of hydration, and habits like smoking or chewing tobacco can harm your teeth and gums, commit to a healthy lifestyle to keep your body strong. Eat healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and lean proteins. Avoid options that are high in sugar and carbohydrates, since these items can fuel oral decay. 


To protect your dental health, contact Dr. Preetika Gupta at Dental Arts in Huntington Station, NY. Since forming her practice in 2012, this trusted dentist has created a positive, welcoming environment where patients from Suffolk and Nassau counties receive excellent dental care. Learn more about how she can help you by visiting her website or calling (631) 591-9200.
