
Since September is National Gum Care Month, it’s the perfect time to learn about preventing gum disease in your kids through healthy habits and visits to a children’s dentist. Since gum disease can lead to a variety of other health issues if left unchecked, you need to monitor your child for symptoms. Learn more about the condition in the breakdown below.


Sugar is food for harmful oral bacteria that use it to form acid, which wears down tooth enamel. An accumulation of oral bacteria and food debris turns into plaque. When left on the teeth and gums, plaque causes decay and cavities. The bacteria can also affect the gums, and as the infection worsens, the teeth and jaw bone wear down as well. That’s why it’s essential to have a children’s dentist treat gum disease early.


If your child complains about their gums hurting, check if they’re red and swollen. Ask whether their gums bleed when they brush their teeth. These symptoms could mean your child is in the beginning stages of gum disease.

As the disease progresses, your child may also develop bad breath, and pus could start forming in the damaged parts of the gums. Look out for receding gums and loose teeth as well.


children's dentistIn most cases, a regular dental hygiene routine in which your child brushes and flosses at least twice a day is enough to prevent gum disease. To be extra safe, your child can also use antimicrobial mouthwash at night. There will be less plaque to scrub off in the first place if your child maintains a healthy diet low in sugar, carbs, and starch.


If your child starts developing gum disease despite your best efforts, make an appointment with a children’s dentist. They’ll perform a teeth cleaning to get rid of any plaque or tartar that your child’s brushing could not. They may also prescribe a medicated mouthwash if the symptoms are severe.


With locations in both Honolulu and Lihue, HI, the compassionate and knowledgeable children’s dentists of Pediatric Dental Group help kids prevent and treat gum disease. Since 1966, they’ve offered comprehensive dental hygiene services, including sealants, fluoride treatments, and scaling and root planing for advanced gum disease. Make an appointment by calling (808) 593-8828 for the Honolulu office or (808) 245-2131 for the Lihue office. Learn more about their services on their website.
