
By getting you from point A to point B relatively quickly, driving can be an excellent way to take the pressure off your body. But when you’re behind-the-wheel, sitting in the same position for extended periods, it can throw off your posture and put you at risk of developing several physical health issues, including neck and back pain, stiff joints, and sore muscles. If you want to make your commutes better for your body, here are a few ways you can maintain your posture.

How to Have Good Posture When You’re Behind-the-Wheel

1. Stretch Ahead of Schedule

Stretching helps keep your joints and muscles flexible so that you can keep your spine properly aligned in the driver’s seat, as well as avoid stiffness that can contribute to neck and back pain later in the day. Before you hit the road, stretch out your neck, back, arms, and legs. If you’re unsure of how to stretch properly, talk to a chiropractor about the techniques that will best address your specific postural problems.

2. Empty Your Pockets

back painAny time you get in the car, take your phone, wallet, keys, and other belongings out of your pocket. Sitting on these items can cause a slight shift in your buttocks that can contribute to spinal misalignment.

3. Adjust the Seat

To keep your spine in its natural alignment, your seat should be reclined slightly between 95 and 100 degrees. It’s also important to shift the seat forward just enough so that you can press on the pedals without having to strain your legs or disrupt your posture. Finally, lower the steering wheel so that your elbows bend and relax when you have both hands on the wheel.

4. Move the Mirrors

If you have to crane your neck to see fully through the rear-view or side-view mirrors, you aren’t doing any favors for your posture. To prevent neck and back pain, adjust your mirrors so that the full view of traffic is visible without having to move.

5. Sit on a Support Cushion

Even if you follow the above rules, you might find yourself slouching to stay comfortable. You can prevent this bad habit by investing in a lumbar support cushion that will keep your spine straight and upright.


If driving brings you discomfort, turn to the trusted professionals at Stroud Chiropractic Clinic. Serving the Archdale, NC, community for more than three decades, their chiropractors know how to pinpoint the cause of chronic neck and back pain, including bad posture and spinal misalignment. After an in-depth evaluation, this provider will create a custom care plan to gently restore your physical health and provide lasting relief. Visit this clinic online to learn more about all of their advanced treatment options, including spinal adjustments, cold laser therapy, and ProAdjuster™ treatments. To schedule a free consultation, call (336) 434-2107.
