
While most people have heard of termites and know they eat wood, they probably couldn’t identify one. Unfortunately, termites can be devastating to a property. Since they mainly eat cellulose plant materials commonly used in home construction, scheduling termite control is a priority if you suspect you have an infestation. Here’s the lowdown on these destructive pests and what you can do about them. 

How to Spot Them

There are over 40 species of termites in the U.S., though most of them look fairly similar. Termites are usually around an inch in length and have straight antennae. Their bodies are soft and range in color from white to brown. Baby termites look similar to adult ones, just smaller and white. 

Signs of Termites

Termite ControlEven if you don’t see them, there are some signs that’ll clue you into their presence. Termites consume wood from the inside out, so test wood areas by tapping on them. If they sound hollow, there may be damage. Stiff windows and warped doors are also red flags. Termites produce moisture as they chew through homes, causing wood to warp. More obvious signs are droppings, called frass, which looks like a dark powdery substance. You can also hear termites if you listen closely to the walls. They bang their heads against wood to signal to the others that there’s potential danger, resulting in a clicking or rattling sound. 

How to Get Rid of Them

While some pests can be eliminated from homes with hard work and diligence, termite control is not something you can handle on your own. It takes special skills and construction knowledge to seek them out and exterminate them. A single termite control treatment can take hundreds of gallons of spray that needs to be injected into the walls and foundation. The longer the problem goes untreated, the worse the damage and the higher the cost for repairs. It’s best to get a termite control professional on the problem as soon as possible.


If you’ve noticed signs of termites around your home, don’t wait. Turn to the termite control specialists at Advanced Termite & Pest Services in Charleston, AR, today. For over a decade they’ve been helping people in the Tri-County area eliminate these destructive pests from their properties. Visit them online to learn more about what they do, or call (479) 965-7080 to schedule an appointment. 
