
If you run a business that creates a lot of grease and oils from kitchen waste, you’ll likely have a grease trap. Even if you don’t produce a lot of waste, some homeowners also opt to install this device in their backyards to minimize septic issues. The following guide will help you better understand this device and the importance of grease trap cleaning.

What to Know About Grease Traps

What is a grease trap?

Grease and oils emulsify when they come into contact with water, making their disposal a complicated task for domestic waste, and even trickier when waste is produced at a commercial scale. However, grease traps filter kitchen wastewater to prevent these issues from damaging the plumbing.

How does it work?

Kitchen wastewater is directed into the trap. The grease and oils then rise to the top of the water, and the water that remains below flows into the sewage system. Grease gradually accumulates in the trap until it eventually forms a layer thick enough to be able to remove it.

Are there different types of grease traps?

There are two main types of grease removal systems: grease traps and grease interceptors. Grease traps tend to be found more in domestic kitchens as they have a flow rate of fewer than 50 gallons per minute, while grease interceptors are more common in larger commercial businesses that require a higher flow rate.

Why should you hire a professional for your grease trap cleaning?

Grease trap cleaningThe repercussions of ignoring grease trap cleaning can be significant — from receiving fines from the local health department to having your equipment break down, or having your kitchen shut down entirely. Scrimping on this straightforward clean-up could result in considerable expense down the line. A professional grease trap cleaning service will ensure your home or business kitchen continues to operate efficiently.


American Rooter in Watertown, CT, has been delivering the highest level of service to Connecticut plumbers for over 35 years. This family-owned business can help with all your drain issues, including flood control and cleanup, grease trap cleaning, and pump installation and repair. They also run a 24/7 emergency service. To make an appointment with the drain experts or to request a free estimate, call (888) 863-4638 or visit their website.
