
More than 43 million Americans are unpaid caregivers for a family member or friend, and if you’ve been in this situation yourself, you know how difficult it is.  One of the struggles these caregivers often face is balancing this help with their paid employment. According to a study from the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota, this struggle is particularly difficult for people in rural areas. 

The study found that compared with caregivers in urban areas, rural caregivers had less access to paid family leave, fewer options for telecommuting, and less access to employee support programs.  The leader of the project predicts that this problem will only increase as the US population ages. She suggests that employers in all areas who grant their workers more flexibility will help prevent burnout and ultimately retain better employees. 

Estate planning probably won’t help you balance your work life and your personal life, but it can make the caregiving work you do a bit easier. In particular, a Durable, General Power of Attorney and an Advance Directive for Health Care can ensure that you understand your loved one’s wishes and have the authority to act on them if necessary. If you’d like to talk about creating these documents or updating an existing plan, get in touch.

See you on the trail. 
