
Food cravings can be intense and may keep you from achieving your weight loss goals. The best thing to do is to get out in front of them and have always plan ahead.  Try these tips and tricks below for ways to control your cravings.

Drink Water!  Being thirsty is often confused with hunger. This is an easy first step if you begin to notice a craving coming on.

Try Mint.  Have sugar-free mints and gum on hand for a quick solution. Even the smell of mint may help you control your cravings according to a recent study. Keep peppermint oil handy along with mint lotions if you feel this helps you.

Distract.  Since food cravings are not usually related to physical hunger try a distraction technique that may allow the craving for a certain food to pass. Most cravings only last for a short duration so a slight distraction may work for you. Go for a 10 minute walk, call a friend for a quick chat, or play a quick game on your phone.  

Have Low-Calorie Food Options on Hand.  Try a few whole grain crackers instead of chips or a meal replacement bar instead of candy bar.  Have your stash with you in a purse or in a drawer at work for those times you feel you must feed your craving.

Get to Bed Earlier.  Appetite can be greatly affected by hormones and sleep deprivation may disrupt certain hormones, which may lead to food cravings.

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