
If you have a small yard, then you know how valuable the space that you have is. Planting trees is an easy way to make your backyard more pleasant and increase home value. However, with limited space, the wrong type of tree could take up too much room, keeping other trees and plants from getting sunlight. The list below shares a few arborist-recommended species that won’t overtake your yard.

4 Types of Trees That Are Well-Suited to Small Properties

1. Royal Star Magnolia

With a maximum height and width of 15 feet, this tree has a high tolerance for both heat and cold—well-suited to Ohio’s temperature extremes. During the spring, you’ll be delighted by large white blooms that impart a fragrance to your yard. After the blooming cycle, deep green leaves will stick around for the rest of the season.

2. Birch

Whether the beautiful white variety or the flakier river birch, the distinctive papery bark on these trees gives them their name. Although they can grow up to 60 feet tall with multiple trunks, they maintain a tight cluster at the base, and the leaves grow in loosely enough to let sunlight filter through.

3. Dogwood

arboristIf your small yard already has some large trees hogging space, or it’s overshadowed by a neighbor’s tree, shade-friendly options are a good pick. The dogwood will grow quickly in a partially shaded location, reaching heights between 15 and 25 feet. During the spring, it blooms in tight clusters of beautiful white blossoms. If you’re not sure where to position a dogwood, consult an arborist for an assessment of your lawn.

4. Japanese Maple

The shortest option on this list, Japanese maples don’t get higher than 12 feet tall. Most varieties feature beautiful leaves that shift color during the season, going from red to bronze to orange. They’re also accustomed to growing beneath other trees thanks to their diminutive size, so you can expect them to thrive in a partially shaded lawn.


Keep the trees on your property beautiful and healthy with the help of the arborists at Dave & Aaron Stang’s Certified Tree Care in Cincinnati, OH. Their team has over a century of experience offering pruning, tree removal, stump grinding, and tree pest control. To learn more about their services, visit their website. To schedule an arborist appointment, call (513) 936-9777.
